Water and Waste Water Treatment

Erivac provides equipment for Water and Waste Water Treatment

The efficient use of Water and preservation of one of our most valuable natural resources is essential for sustainability. In order to use less freshwater society in general and agriculture and industries, in particular, have to increase the reuse of water, with sufficient treatment for each application. In some parts of the world where soft water supplies are scarce sea water can be desalinated for the generation of potable water.

Waste Water that has to be discharged also in many cases can be a valuable resource with the use of heat recovery, possible BioGas generation from wastewaters with high organic loads, separation of nutrients etc. 

Water and Waste Water Treatment

In general, Water has to receive some treatment before it can be used for industrial use or as potable water. This treatment can be by simple filtration sometimes with additional ultrafiltration or even reverse osmosis, correction of pH or hardness, removal of organic or mineral loads, sanitization, etc. For brackish or Sea Water use additional steps for desalination are necessary. 

Also, Waste Water Treatment normally needs several steps, such as equalization, neutralization, anaerobic treatment for wastewaters with high organic loads, physical treatment, aerobic treatment, sludge separation, filtration and depending on the final destination sometimes ultrafiltration or even reverse osmosis, etc.

For these processes, the following process equipment can be very useful

Ejectors and Vacuum Systems

 – Ejectors for ozone treatment for Potable Water

 – Vacuum Systems for desalination

 – Jet and Venturi Scrubbers for off-gases from for example anaerobic BioGas Generation 

 – Eductors for energy-efficient Tank Mixing of equalization and neutralization.

 – Ejectors for Jet Aeration for aerobic Waste Water Treatment and Nitrification. These are especially effective for wastewater with high calcium content or high solid loads such as MBR reactors. Jet Aeration can of cause also be used with success and high efficiency in CAS, SBR, and MBBR reactors

Heat Exchangers

 – Spiral Heat Exchangers for liquid/liquid applications with dirty or high viscous media as economizers, heaters / coolers for heat recovery, hygienization of sludge, BioGas Generation etc.

 – Welded Plate Heat Exchangers. These are for applications as above but for less dirty or semi-fouling media.

 – Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers

 – Corrugated Tube In Tube Heat Exchangers – for liquid/liquid applications with dirty or high viscous media as economizers, heaters / coolers 


 – Automatic Filters for protection of heat exchangers, spray nozzles, ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis etc,, for reduced maintenance necessity and increased plant availability, filtration of raw water and cooling water circuits substituting sand filter. If Sea or Brackish Water is used, acting as effective mussels and mussel larvae stop.

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