Process Equipment
- Ejectors; - Vacuum Systems; - Heat Exchangers; - Cooling Towers; - Automatic Filters;
Let us help to provide you with solutions to your problems in your most challenging process applications. With our product range and knowledge we can, in many cases, find solutions with higher availability, less maintenance necessity and lower energy consumption.

Ejectors and Vacuum Systems
Körting Hannover GmbH is a State of the Art solution provider of:

Heat Exchangers
Nexson Group is the new World Leading manufacturer of welded heat exchangers, such as:
– Spiral Heat Exchangers for liquid/liquid applications with dirty or high viscous media, condensing or evaporation operation, steam heaters, reboilers, etc.
– Welded Plate Heat Exchangers. These are for applications as above but for less dirty or semi-fouling media.
– Coil Wound Heat Exchangers. These are one of the most advanced, efficient and energy-saving large-scale heat exchange equipment in the world.

Automatic Filters
Dango & Dienenthal provide unique technology for self-cleaning, Automatic Filters for your industrial applications:
– Jet Filters – > 50 microns
– Filter Automats – > 5 microns
– Mussel Stops

Corrugated Tube Heat Exchangers
XLG Heat Transfer provides among the worlds best Corrugated Tube Heat Exchangers
– Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers
– Tube in Tube Heat Exchangers
– Reboilers

Cooling Towers and Adiabatic Coolers
Erivac is proud to represent the Cofinair Group a leading supplier of cooling towers, adiabatic coolers, condensers, and refrigerant coolers providing cooling solutions and technology to businesses in various industries.
Evaporative Cooling Towers for Impure Water, Process Water, or Wastewater